Monday, 21 August 2023

Women Of The Bible- The Woman With The Issue Of Blood

For August's edition of my "Women Of The Bible" series, I decided to take a closer look at the unnamed woman we read about in Mark 5 who had an ongoing issue of blood. This is a beautiful interaction we see between our gentle Saviour and a dear lady who had been suffering terribly as a result of this condition.

I pray these verses and points for reflection (which will be in the second video) can encourage us to come to our loving Saviour for all our healing needs. He truly is Jehovah Rapha, our Great Physician.

Sunday, 13 August 2023

But God Will Not Allow Us To Be Tempted Beyond What We Are Able

August's "But God" verses take a look at 1 Corinthians 10:13. Are you feeling tempted to go down an ungodly path? Sometimes when we're feeling tempted, we just need to "make like Joseph" and run! If temptation is knocking on your door today, look for the open window and get out of there!

By God's grace, may we choose to walk according to the Spirit and not the flesh. God will always provide a way for us to stay close to Him. L x

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Jesus Is Our Strength

Last week we focused on Jesus being our Refuge. Seeing as there's an extra week in August, I thought this was a perfect time to bring in an extra edition of my "Jesus Is" series!
This week, we follow on by dwelling on the wonderfully encouraging truth from Psalm 46:1 that Jesus is also our Strength! A very present help in trouble.

What area are you feeling weak in today? When you consider that God's grace is sufficient for each day and His power is made perfect in weakness, can you turn the tables and actually boast in that weakness so that the power of Christ may rest on you?

God bless you today and praise the Lord for His unending source of strength!

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Jesus Is Our Refuge

Are you feeling wearied by the troubles of this world? Is your spirit tired and worn down through the trials of life? May we find comfort and replenishment for the soul this August as we turn to Jesus Christ, our Refuge.