Monday, 22 May 2023

Women Of The Bible- Proverbs 31 Woman

I found the study of the Proverbs 31 woman so insightful and refreshing! I was amazed to discover it's not written with the intention of being an unattainable check-list for every Christian woman but rather a word of advice from a mother to her son.
I hope you enjoy this devotional and find it as edifying and uplifting as I did!

Monday, 15 May 2023

Fabulous At Fifty!

One of the most precious blessings in life is the gift of great friends and I’m incredibly grateful to say that the Lord has blessed me with some wonderful friendships. This poem was written especially for one of my closest friends, Irene to help celebrate her 50th Birthday!

I love writing personal poems for people although it certainly poses a challenge to try and capture the essence of an entire personality and life history in the space of just a few verses! These words barely scratch the surface when it comes to my talented friend and dear sister in Christ but hopefully they can bring a bit of humour and a smile to whoever reads them.

Thankfully Irene loved her personalised poem when I shared it at her Birthday Party and there were a few tears shed as we visited just some of the highlights from her journey so far. I pray these words can also bless others and can encourage us all to appreciate the godly brothers and sisters God puts into our lives.

It’s such an honour to have true friends who we can laugh with, cry with, share a love for Jesus and make memories with. Friends bring so much colour and joy into our day and so I pray this little poem can inspire us all to appreciate those valuable connections we have in our own lives. May we remember to tell our loved ones how much they mean to us and give thanks to our Saviour for the beautiful gift of friends!

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

But God Protects Us

Last week we meditated on the encouraging truth that Jesus is our Warrior. It seems a fitting continuation this week to dwell on the fact that God protects us!
Others may seek to cause us harm and the enemy may try to stumble us, But God protects us. Praise the Lord!

But God...Protects Us

1 Samuel 23:14
“And David stayed in strongholds in the wilderness, and remained in the mountains in the Wilderness of Ziph. Saul sought him every day, but God did not deliver him into his hand.”

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Jesus Is Our Warrior

Welcome, May! What better way to start off the new month than to focus on the wonderful truth that we don't fight our battles alone when we serve Jehovah Tsaba!

The eyes of our mighty God go to and fro across the whole Earth, watching out for His children always. Protecting and defending us against forces both seen and unseen, Jesus truly is our Warrior!

What battles are you fighting today? May we invite the power of Christ into each situation and rest in the knowledge that we don't fight alone. We have the strength of the Almighty God on our side!