Monday, 28 December 2020

The Names Of God- Full Version

All through 2020 I posted different couplets that looked at the meanings of some of the different names of God and behold, we now have the full version with a few more added in for good measure! These couplets have come in so handy for me and have really helped me memorise the meanings of a few of God's different names. I hope they're a blessing to you too as they help us dwell on just some of the many incredible aspects of our marvellous Creator's character.

Sunday, 27 December 2020

December's Prayer To The God Of My Life- Immanuel

December's verse from my poem "A Prayer To The God Of My Life" focuses on the meaning of the name "Immanuel."

Sunday, 20 December 2020

The Names Of God- Immanuel

Each month throughout 2020 I've been posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they have been an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! To finish off the year the name of focus is "Immanuel."

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Fool For Jesus

Many times over the years I’ve noticed how Christians are often derided and spoken to as if they’re automatically of low intelligence for having their beliefs. Christian characters in films and TV programs are frequently portrayed as “simple” or “naive” while the real “thinkers” and “intellects” of this world are the atheists.

This is of course a very flawed way of viewing a Christian and a rather insulting assumption to make as believing in God doesn’t bear any reflection on a person’s IQ level. What’s interesting to note is that the Bible actually tells us in Proverbs 9:10,

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

No matter what our belief system is in life however, it all takes faith. The atheist has to have faith that there is no God and must believe in things that they can’t see or prove. We all have a faith in something bigger than ourselves, whether that’s the “big bang theory” or the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

A final little Poetry Prayer for 2020! What a year it's been but the birth of Jesus Christ remains the greatest blessing upon mankind. As the famous lyrics say, "Veiled in flesh the Godhead see! Hail the incarnate Deity!" I'm so grateful Christ still reigns in these troubled times and reigns within my heart!

Sunday, 29 November 2020

November's Prayer To The God Of My Life- Jehovah Shalom

November's verse from my poem "A Prayer To The God Of My Life" focuses on the meaning of the name "Jehovah Shalom."

Monday, 9 November 2020

The Names Of God- Jehovah Shalom

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The name for the month of November is Jehovah Shalom.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Poetry Prayer For November

As our American brothers and sisters prepare for Thanksgiving this month, I think it's a good time to give thanks for all of God's provisions! Whatever side of the Atlantic we're on or wherever we are in the world, I pray we can take a moment to show our gratitude to Jesus who has dealt bountifully with us. He truly is the Source of every good gift!

Friday, 30 October 2020

October's Prayer To The God Of My Life- Adonai and El Elyon

October's verse from my poem "A Prayer To The God Of My Life" focuses on the meaning of the names "Adonai" and "El Elyon."

Sunday, 11 October 2020

The Names Of God- Adonai and El Elyon

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The names for the month of October are Adonai and El Elyon.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

A Poetry Prayer For October

A little prayer couplet for the beginning of October! As nature starts to take on a whole new level of beauty around us, may we have a fresh energy and hunger for the things of God.

Sunday, 27 September 2020

September's Prayer To The God Of My Life- El Roi

September's verse from my poem "A Prayer To The God Of My Life" focuses on the meaning of the name "El Roi."

Thursday, 17 September 2020

The Lord Reigns!

The book of Psalms is my favourite book in the Bible and it never ceases to amaze me how powerfully the words speak into the different situations we face in life. I often try to read a Psalm each day and one evening in September 2020 I happened to read Psalm 93.

Before opening my Bible that evening, I had been chatting with my husband Jan about the chaos caused by the Covid-19 pandemic over the last few months and how it seemed to be continuously getting worse. I was feeling quite disheartened by it all so when I turned to Psalm 93 that night, I was blown away by the first three words alone!

The Psalm begins with the statement, “The Lord reigns.” This truth was like a sword that just cut straight through all the nonsense going on in the world and I laughed to myself as I thought, ”Amen! Well I might as well close my Bible! What else is there to say? The Lord reigns!”

Monday, 7 September 2020

The Names Of God- El Roi

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The name for the month of September is El Roi.

My Dwelling Place

One evening in early September 2020 I found myself reading through Psalm 91 and I felt that the words in these verses spoke very powerfully into my life and the situation going on around me. At this point, the Covid-19 pandemic had been rumbling on for seven months and it was becoming more and more apparent how much it was affecting everyone in their daily lives.

One thing I really saw a huge increase of was the level of fear in many people and how this was influencing practically every decision they now made. I could see the affect it was having on mental and physical health, not only in my own life but also in the lives of countless others and the toll it was taking on everyone as stress levels continued to rise.

As I began to read through Psalm 91 one evening during this time, I suddenly felt like the words were a very direct message to my heart, straight from the Lord. The imagery in the first two lines was extremely powerful as it reads,

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

A Poetry Prayer For September

Starting off the month of September with a little prayer. When I look at what's going on in the world just now there seems to be a distinct lack of grace and mercy shown in people's actions and words. I pray the Lord would help me go against the flow of this age and show His grace and mercy to those around me.

Saturday, 29 August 2020

August's Prayer To The God Of My Life-Jehovah Shammah

August's verse from my poem "A Prayer To The God Of My Life" focuses on the meaning of the name "Jehovah Shammah."

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

The Names Of God- Jehovah Shammah

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The name for the month of August is Jehovah Shammah.

Monday, 3 August 2020

Poetry Prayer For August

There are so many unsettling things going on in this world that it's easy to get bogged down with it all. My poetry prayer for August is that we would heed the words of Philippians 4:8 and take time to dwell on the beautiful and uplifting things of Jesus!

Be Not Deceived

I happened to see a picture on Facebook one day which showed me a man wearing a t-shirt that had the slogan,

“If Jesus comes back, kill Him again.”

My initial feelings were anger and hurt as I looked at such a disrespectful statement but as I studied the picture more, I slowly began to feel those emotions melt away. They were soon replaced with sorrow and heartache for this very lost soul.

It became apparent to me that I was clearly looking at a picture of a person who thinks they can curse God and mock Him with no repercussions. This kind of mindset is often paired with the conclusion that because there’s no instant bolt of lightning from the sky, God either doesn’t exist or He isn’t powerful enough to do anything. This reasoning however, is gravely wrong on both parts because as Galatians 6:7-8 says,

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.  For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.”

Monday, 27 July 2020

July's Prayer To The God Of My Life- Jehovah Sabaoth

Ending the month of July with a little verse about the one thing I can boast in-my wonderful Saviour and God of Hosts! Jehovah Sabaoth.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

The Names Of God- Jehovah Sabaoth

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The name for the month of July is Jehovah Sabaoth.

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Children Of Wrath

The inspiration for my poem “Children Of Wrath” came in fragments over the course of about a year. It was very much a combination of opinions that I was hearing from various different people that got me thinking.

One opinion I kept hearing expressed was the idea that every human being on Earth is a “Child of God” and that everyone created is automatically God’s child from birth. As appealing as this thought is, it’s not actually Biblically correct. The Bible tells us very clearly that we’re all born separated from God due to the issue of sin and that we’re actually “children of wrath.” It’s only when we repent and accept that Jesus paid for our sin on the Cross that we then become a child of God.

We read in the first few verses of Ephesians 2 that before we became Christians, we were all “dead in trespasses and sins” and “were by nature children of wrath.” This shows us clearly that although we had physical life we didn’t have spiritual life until we accepted Jesus as our Saviour. John 1:12 also tells us,

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Poetry Prayer for July

July's Poetry Prayer is a little couplet asking the Lord for protection as we continue through these crazy times. I feel it's such a privilege to know that our Heavenly Father never takes His eyes off of His children and is interested in every minute of our day! What a wonderful God we serve.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

June's Prayer To The God Of My Life- El Olam

Ending the month of June with a little verse- A Prayer To The God Of My Life. With so much uncertainty and chaos in the world it encourages my heart to think about the unchanging nature of God, my Everlasting Father. Praises to El Olam!

Saturday, 27 June 2020

I Am Yours

One rainy Saturday afternoon in June 2020 I was feeling rather sluggish and demotivated so decided to watch the first episode of the series called “The Chosen.” Directed and co-written by American filmmaker Dallas Jenkins, the series is a portrayal of the ministry of Jesus Christ and I’d heard many positive comments about the programme.

The first episode focuses heavily on the character of Mary Magdalene, known as “Lilith” in the red district where she works as a prostitute. Her use of the name “Lilith” doesn’t appear in the Bible of course but perhaps it can come under the banner of “Artistic Licence” to serve the purposes of the show and the later revelation of who she really is.

Whatever the writer’s reason was for this choice, the character of Mary has gone through many horrendous tragedies in her life and is tormented by the presence of several demons living within her. Her story is one of great despair, pain, sadness and suffering so when Jesus makes His first appearance in the programme and comes to her in the last scene of the episode, it’s an extremely moving moment indeed.

Shaken by the presence of Jesus and unknowing of who He is, Mary makes a hasty departure and tries to get away from Him. As the scene unfolds we see a very distressed Mary walking away as Jesus gently but determinedly pursues her. Probably being well used to men pursuing her, Mary tells Jesus to leave her alone. This is the moment we hear Jesus call out to her but He doesn’t use the name “Lilith” which she is known by in the town. Instead Jesus uses her real name and calls out, “Mary! Mary of Magdala.”

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Hope In The Lord

During the particularly troublesome summer of 2020 I found myself being taken to Psalm 42 several times. I felt that the whole chapter was very poignant throughout this time of so much global unrest but verses 5 and 11 seemed to resonate with me in particular. Verse 5 is repeated for the most part in verse 11 which reads,

“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.”

As I sat meditating on Psalm 42 one afternoon, I soon found myself feeling inspired to write my poem “Hope In The Lord.” When troubles of the world get me bogged down I always find it so uplifting to focus on Jesus. Hope placed in Him is well placed hope indeed. As Jesus’s words remind us in John 16:33,

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

The Names Of God- El Olam

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The name for the month of June is El Olam.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Poetry Prayer For June

I've been so very grateful for the friendships the Lord has blessed me with, especially during this time of isolation. FaceTime catch ups and zoom meetings with friends have been so wonderfully refreshing and I look forward to the day we can meet face to face again. Thank You Lord for my friends!

Saturday, 30 May 2020

May's Prayer To The God Of My Life- Jehovah Rapha

The beginning of the summer weather has certainly brought joy to my heart during this strange time of lockdown. God's mercies truly are new every morning! I'm also eternally grateful for His wonderful healing powers and I've been watching Jehovah Rapha at work within my own family recently. I wrote this little verse months ago but it's more poignant today than ever for me. Oh praise Jehovah Rapha!

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Listen To His Wisdom

I was chatting on the phone one day to a dear friend of mine called Katy and we were catching up on each other’s news from the week. Katy went on to tell me about how she and her young son Isaac had been walking by the river near their house in Wales the day before.

She explained that Isaac had expressed his desire to go paddling barefoot in the river but she had gently told him that he wasn’t to do this as it was very cold with lots of sharp rocks that could hurt his feet. Within seconds Katy turned around to find that Isaac had completely disregarded what she’d said, taken his socks and shoes off and was paddling about in the freezing cold river! Of course it wasn’t long before Katy’s words came to pass and Isaac was in tears from having cut his toe on one of the sharp rocks.

As my friend and I were laughing and lamenting over Isaac’s watery drama, she told me that as she was consoling him and taking care of his sore toe she’d gone on to tell him off for not listening to his Mummy’s words. At this he looked up at his mother through tears and said, “But Mummy! Why didn’t you stop me?”

Straight away I laughed at the irony and said to Katy,
“Isn’t that just typical of all of us? God reveals so much wisdom in His Word and yet we often do our own thing anyway then cry and blame Him when things go wrong! If only we’d listen to His wisdom.”

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Happiest Of Birthdays!

For some unknown reason, my waking thought as I woke up on my Birthday in 2020 was, “I should write a poem especially for others to send to a friend on their Birthday!” I formed the first line in my head as I lay there and then wrote the rest of the poem the following day.

What’s strange is that on that particular Birthday, a dear sister in Christ actually wrote a special Birthday poem for me! It was so lovely to be on the receiving end of a poem for once and it certainly blessed my heart.

Knowing what joy a Birthday poem can bring, I hope and pray that my little poem called “Happiest Of Birthdays” can be used many times to bless the hearts of others on their Birthday too!

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Timeless Companion

One evening in May 2020 I was scrolling through my newsfeed on FaceBook when a slow motion video caught my attention. It had been posted by an acquaintance of mine and the video was a beautiful sight of yellow and orange flames undulating in slow motion against a deep, navy blue night sky.

The clip of this mesmerising fire came with my friend’s caption,
“I will never tire of watching fire…” Immediately I finished his sentence in my head with the words,
“…for there do memories lie.”

Having been brought up in a home with a real coal fire I have an eternal love of the comfort a roaring fireplace can bring. As soon as I see one I’m straight over to sit next to it and I’m immediately transported in my mind to years gone by. I find that a fire brings such warmth and comfort and I always feel it brings life and character to a room. It’s almost like the heartbeat of a home to me!

Saturday, 16 May 2020

The Names Of God- Jehovah Rapha

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The name for the month of May is Jehovah Rapha.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Bee About His Business!

One late afternoon in May 2020, my husband Jan and I were on our daily permitted walk during the lockdown period of the Covid-19 pandemic. We were journeying around our usual paths of Saint James’s Park next to Buckingham Palace when I noticed several purple flowers sprouting from a spot in the grass.

Intrigued by the beautiful colour, I made my way over to have a closer look. Straight away I noticed one of the flowers had a furry little honey bee dotting about, ceaselessly gathering pollen and determinedly going about his daily tasks. I thought to myself, “Well he’s not isolating or affected by this lockdown! He’s still got work to do!”

As we carried on with our walk, I pondered the fact that the bee was completely oblivious to the chaos going on in the world and I found his continuation of normal routine strangely comforting! I liked that this part of life had remained unaffected by the virus and nature could just continue on as always.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Poetry Prayer For May

I wrote these words months before we ever heard of Covid-19 or the pandemic and yet they seem more poignant than ever. I pray we can all be comforted and encouraged by our Heavenly Father throughout the days of May.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

April's Prayer To The God Of My Life-Jehovah Raah

By God's grace we're at the end of another month in 2020! A year to be remembered it seems. I'm so grateful to have Jesus, my Shepherd leading the way and guiding me through this uncertain season. I hope this month's little verse can uplift the soul as we focus on the name Jehovah Raah.

Monday, 13 April 2020

The Names Of God- Jehovah Raah.

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The name for the month of April is Jehovah Raah.

Friday, 10 April 2020

The 'Rona Riot

Living in the depths of a lockdown in Britain caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, I’ve begun to light-heartedly refer to the impact the Coronavirus is having on the Nation as “The ‘Rona Riot.” I happened to mention this one day to a friend during a Zoom meeting in the midst of our isolation time and she immediately laughed and said it sounded like the title of a poem. Later that day I was thinking about my friend’s comment and I soon found myself sitting with my laptop, putting down the first few verses!

My poem is intended to humorously express some of my observations on how the pandemic has changed our every day lives almost overnight. It’s in no way intended to undermine the seriousness of the virus situation or disregard the upset caused by it. I think humour is often a great coping mechanism and can be a wonderful outlet during times of hardship so I hope that these words can offer a bit of light relief in difficult and uncertain times.

My prayer during this particular season is that God would use these challenging events to stir hearts and turn eyes towards Him. I hope my poem “The ‘Rona Riot” reflects this sentiment and brings a little laugh too!

Friday, 3 April 2020

Fear Not!

During the early days of the lockdown in Britain caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, I happened to read a verse in Isaiah which really encouraged me. The Scripture I was led to was Isaiah 41:10 which reads,

“Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am Your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

As I sat meditating on the words in this verse, three things really stood out to me. I noticed that God affirms that He will strengthen me, help me and uphold me. I felt this was such a beautiful trio of promises and soon found myself writing my poem “Fear Not!”

In a world where so many people have to deal with the stresses of life with nothing but their own strength, no outside help from others while upholding everyone else around them, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for God’s promises in this verse.

As a child of God we go though hardships the same as anyone else but I feel it’s such a privilege to have Jesus strengthening, helping and upholding us in the difficult times of life. A provision readily available to all who will put their trust in Him. Truly, we have a wonderful Friend in Jesus!

Easter Is...

I originally wrote this poem way back in 2009 to share with the little ones at my Church when I was serving in children’s ministry. It was coming up to Easter and I wanted to write a poem I could use that would emphasise the true meaning of Easter but in an understandable way for young minds.

I rediscovered the poem at the beginning of 2020 and so felt that I wanted to make it available in the hope that others may use it to bring Jesus into Easter time for their little ones too! I pray this cheery little poem can be a useful tool and shared many times over!

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Be Anxious For Nothing

It’ll come as no surprise that this poem was mainly inspired by Philippians 4:6-7 which reads,

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

This passage has often come to my mind during the Covid-19 pandemic as I’ve been praying for the different needs and challenges faced either by myself or by friends and family. It seems that when the Apostle Paul wrote the words in Philippians 4, he gave us a wonderful format to follow as the antidote for worry and so I felt inspired to write a poem that reflected this process.

Poetry Prayer For April

The lighter evenings and sunnier days of April certainly bring encouragement to my heart. I pray we can be uplifted at the wonders of God's creation over the next month.

Monday, 30 March 2020

Praises To The Great Physician!

In August 2019 my sister was diagnosed with cancer. Not long after her diagnosis I wrote a poem called “Jehovah Rapha.” The name Jehovah Rapha means “The Lord Our Healer” and so my poem was really a prayer that came from my heart, pleading with the Lord for mercy and asking The Great Physician to heal my sister.

When I look back at those difficult months the words from Psalm 27:13-14 come to mind. The verses read,

“I would have fainted, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord!”

Obviously it was a very upsetting time for my whole family but Jesus was so faithful to see us through each day at a time. His mercies truly are new every morning.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Do Not Be Afraid

The introduction and spread of the Coronavirus across the Globe has brought an incredible amount of disruption and uncertainty into our lives. It’s easy to be filled with feelings such as fear, anxiety and worry in these troubling times and so I felt inspired to write a poem called “Do Not Be Afraid” in the hope that it can be encouraging and up-lifting.

As we face the unknown I pray that we can bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ as so often the battle against fear starts in the mind! May we be anxious for nothing as we bring our troubles before our mighty, sovereign God and remember that no matter what problems we may be facing, Jesus is the answer!

There’s no denying that life can get pretty scary but when we have the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth leading the way we know we’re in capable hands. With Christ at the helm we need never be afraid.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

March's Prayer To The God Of My Life-El Shaddai

What a month March has been! Coronavirus chaos has ensued and so I hope this month's verse from my poem "A Prayer To The God Of My Life" can be up-lifting. This month features the name El Shaddai.

Monday, 16 March 2020

The Names Of God-El Shaddai

Each month throughout 2020 I'm posting a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God! The name for the month of March is El Shaddai.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

He Is...

There are countless blessings to having Christ in your heart and knowing Him as your personal Saviour, too many to list really as He is so many wonderful things to His children! My little poem called “He Is…” mentions just a few and I wrote these words in one sitting.

The verses are words of praise that came from my heart one evening and so I hope they can uplift and edify as we dwell on some of the many benefits of Jesus.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Poetry Prayer For March

March brings the first of the Springtime colours here in London and it fills my heart with joy! Beautiful yellow daffodils, purple crocuses and even the odd pink blossom. Wonderful to see as I marvel at God's creation and the changing seasons. May our spirits be refreshed this month, just like the season!

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

February's Prayer To The God Of My Life- Jehovah Jireh

Finishing off February with a verse from my poem "A Prayer To The God Of My Life." This month features the name Jehovah Jireh.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

The Names Of God-Jehovah Jireh

Each month throughout 2020 I'm going to post a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names of God!

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Poetry Prayer For February

February always brings a sea of red and pink gifts into the shops with the approach of Valentine's Day so February's Poetry Prayer focuses on the Giver of all good gifts, our First Love Jesus!

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

January's Prayer To The God Of My Life-Jehovah Nissi

To finish off each month of 2020 I'm going to post one verse of a whole poem of mine called "A Prayer To The God Of My Life." It'll combine my "Poetry Prayers" idea along with the "Names Of God" series for this year. I felt that if I'm starting each month off with a prayer why not finish it with one! January's prayer features the name Jehovah Nissi.

Sunday, 19 January 2020

God Of Salvation

At the end of 2019 I was asked by my lovely friend and sister in Christ, Katy if I would like to be a part of the 2020 Tearfund concert tour to help raise money for this wonderful Christian Charity. Having had the privilege of being a Performer in the 2019 Tearfund concerts, I was over the moon to be able to say yes to Katy’s offer!

The tour consisted of ten dates at different venues across the UK that would see me and three other Christian Musical Theatre Professionals bringing an evening of songs, testimonies and entertainment to an audience, accompanied by our wonderful Musical Director Dan. The main reason for the evenings however was to raise money to help support Tearfund in their important work as they go worldwide and help those living in poverty and third world conditions.

I had been given the wonderful opportunity in 2019 to not only sing but also share one of my poems as part of the concerts so you can imagine my glee when Katy asked me if I would be willing to share a poem for the 2020 concerts too. Not only did she ask if I would be happy to share a poem but she also asked if she could commission me to write one especially for the event! I always love a poetry request and I said I’d be happy to hear her thoughts and then pray for inspiration from the Author!

Saturday, 18 January 2020

The Names Of God-Jehovah Nissi

Each month throughout 2020 I'm going to post a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names God has!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

A Prayer To The God Of My Life

On the first day of 2020 I happened to read Psalm 42:8 which says,

“The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, And in the night His song shall be with me— A prayer to the God of my life.”

I liked the sentiment and the phrasing of this verse and I soon found myself feeling inspired to write a poem that could incorporate some of the different names of God into it. I love dwelling on just some of the many different aspects of God’s character and so I hope my poem called “A Prayer To The God Of My Life” can help deepen our knowledge and admiration for who God is!

Poetry Prayer For January

I've decided for 2020 I'm going to post a little rhyming couplet at the beginning of each month. They're intended to be a short prayer and meditation for the heart to help with the month ahead. After all the chaos and fuss of Christmas, what better way to battle the January blues than to pray for joy? I hope my 2020 series called "Poetry Prayers" can be a blessing in your year!