Monday, 31 May 2021

God's Promise Of Companionship

Starting off June with a continuation of my series looking at God's promises! In a world where so many people feel alone, I'm incredibly grateful for the truth of Deuteronomy 31:8 which says,
"And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.”

My June couplet focuses on this wonderful promise of God's companionship. I pray it can fill our hearts with gratitude for the tender mercies of knowing Christ as Saviour and give us a fresh desire to share His goodness with others!

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Christ- His Resurrection Declared

One major difference between Jesus and every other so-called "religious leader" is the fact that everyone else has ended up dying and staying in the grave. Only Jesus Christ paid for the sins of the world and only Jesus Christ rose again to reign on His Throne in Heaven! Praise Jesus for His Resurrection!

May's Prophecy verse focuses on this wonderful truth as this is one reason why there is no other name under Heaven, given among men by which we must be saved.

Sunday, 16 May 2021


"Scarves" falls into my "Capturing The Moment" category and is another one in response to my own question, "Is there a subject so boring you can't write a poem about it?"

Apparently I had quite a lot to say on the subject of scarves and I hope this humorous poem brings you a smile today whether you're a fellow scarf wearer or not!

Saturday, 15 May 2021


Here we have another of what I'm calling my "Pointless Poems" to liven up our day! A humorous little poem written in response to a request from my Father in law.

I explained to him recently that I've been writing short little observational poems on seemingly boring topics and his response was, "Write a poem about showers!"

Behold! My response to his request! Seems only fitting for these hot, Summer days in June. I hope you enjoy this light-hearted little poem today, God bless you.
Showers are essential, a must for every day!
They help to leave you feeling fresh and keep the flies away.
A place to sing your heart out and fill your lungs with steam,
Where every note reverberates and makes you sound a dream!

Ensuring that the bath mat is installed with extra grip,
This safety measure guarantees your wash is anti-slip.
Grab your sponge or loofah, get busy with shampoo,
It only takes two minutes ’til you’re feeling buffed and new!

A swift and speedy remedy to soothe the body’s aches
Or wake your sleepy system! One cold blast is all it takes!
A thorough clean rejuvenates and fills your heart with smiles.
The highlight of your day will be your time between the tiles!

A world of soapy glory where one thing is for certain,
You’ll find yourself revitalised behind that plastic curtain!
Though bath time is a wondrous way to wile away the hours,
You cannot underestimate the joy of taking showers!

Monday, 10 May 2021

The Attributes Of God-His Divine Glory

One attribute of God for us to dwell upon today is His Divine Glory. His very being emanates with radiant light which expresses His nature as Holy, Righteous, True and Just. There are several places in Scripture that speak about His divine glory and beauty, Isaiah 28:5 being one example where it reads,

“In that day the Lord of hosts will be
For a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty
To the remnant of His people.”

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

God's Promise Of Answered Prayer

I've heard it said that God always answers our prayers. We'll either get a yes, no, or wait! I feel incredibly grateful that I have a Heavenly Father who hears my prayers, always knows what's best and answers according to His infinite wisdom and perfect timing. What can you bring before God's Throne in prayer today?

A Heavenly Hug

My husband Jan and I were praying together one afternoon, specifically for brothers and sisters in Christ who we knew were going through major health and physical trials. As we lifted them up in prayer Jan said, “We ask that You would give them a Heavenly hug today Lord.” This image instantly resonated with me and took root in my mind’s eye.

Many times in life I’ve found myself asking Jesus to give people “a hug” on my behalf when distance prevents me from doing so myself. This had become even more prevalent during the long months of strict lockdowns throughout 2020 and 2021. Not being able to see loved ones and hold them in my arms for months on end was something I found very frustrating indeed. Especially when there was no clear end in sight for when we would be able to be together again.