Sunday, 9 November 2014

Field Of Souls

By Lucy Wall

Between the 17th of July and the 11th of November 2014, a major art installation was placed around the Tower of London to mark the one hundred year anniversary of the first full day of Britain's involvement in the First World War. Created by artists Paul Cummins and Tom Piper, 888,246 hand-made ceramic poppies were placed within the Tower's famous moat with each poppy representing a British military fatality suffered during the war. It was on the 8th of November that year that my husband and I decided to visit the exhibition and witness for ourselves the dramatic views that the poppies created.

After my initial thrill and awe at the vibrancy and sheer volume of poppies, the magnitude of the losses suffered during the war began to really hit me. As I stared at the poppies and considered what they represented I suddenly didn't feel like I was looking at a field of flowers anymore but rather I felt like I was staring at a field of souls. It was this thought that inspired me to start writing my poem.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

To Live Is Christ

One day during some Bible study I read Philippians 1:21 which reads,

"For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

I've read the Apostle Paul's words here many times before but for some reason they really stuck out to me on this particular reading. I started to think about how profound his statement is and it acted as a reminder to me that as a Christian, I need to be giving the reins of my life over to God on a daily basis and sacrificing any selfish ambition.

When faced with the challenges of life, my desire to try and control things can sometimes creep in and so to read that my life belongs to Christ is a great reminder that He is in control. My reason for living is not to pursue my own agenda but rather to make myself available to God and let Him use me in whatever capacity He sees fit. It was like a gentle reminder to desire God's will and His plans for me above all else in life.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

The Woman On The Wall

Lucy Wall from Calvary London on Vimeo.

By Lucy Wall

This poem describes one particular day in my life during the summer of 2014. I had some important auditions coming up and so was on my way to a singing lesson with lots of material to learn when the inspiration for this poem was brought into my life. My hope and prayer is that these words may speak to the heart of anyone who is yet to know Jesus as their personal Saviour.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Nothing Compares To Thee

By Lucy Wall

One evening I was feeling particularly wearied by the ongoing trials of life. As I retreated to a quiet room to have some time seeking the Lord through His Word and in prayer, I found myself humbly asking Him, "A word of encouragement Lord, please!”

As I began to study the Scriptures I was reminded that as Christians we are just "passing through" this life and our trials and tribulations are not permanent. As I meditated on this thought I began to think about the wonderful day when I'll get to see Jesus face to face and was thinking about how much I long for this. When it comes to my heart's desire, nothing compares to the thought and the knowledge of this moment. In all honesty, I think waiting for it feels a lot like being homesick at times. My soul longs for my Saviour and for the trials and cares of this world to be a thing of the past.

As I sat there thinking about this I began to write "Nothing Compares To Thee." I think the first verse of this poem clearly reveals the weary place I was in at this point. As I continued to write however, I found myself going through a process with the Lord and my focus and attitude shifted to a much more upbeat and positive one. One of strength, purpose and with a drive for life. As I wrote, the trials began to dim and shrink in size as God ministered to my soul, encouraged my heart and got my focus back onto Him and His purpose for my life.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Candy Cane

By Lucy Wall

As I was taking down the decorations after Christmas 2013 my Mother-In-Law started to tell me about the Christian symbolism behind the candy cane and I was completely intrigued by what she said. Although I had seen the popular confectionary every year during the Christmas season I had never realised that it had Christian meanings in it's origins. I decided to read up about it online and discovered that there are some mixed reviews as to the meanings behind the candy cane.