Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Christ-Jesus Is Our Passover

Continuing on with my "Prophecies" series, my verse for March focuses on Jesus as our Passover Lamb. I hope this little verse can encourage us to delve deeper into studying the Prophetic picture created through Passover in the Old Testament and how Christ's sacrifice sets us free from the bondage of sin.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Come Home

This poem is written especially for the Christian who has wandered away from God. It’s a gentle call for them to come home and return to their loving Father. I’d like to clarify though, it’s directed towards the genuine but backslidden believer.

There are many people in life who claim to have “been a Christian” in the past but in truth, they never were. Christianity isn’t a club you can come and go from as you please. It’s not something you can have a membership in one year but not the next.

When a person truly accepts Jesus as their Saviour then they’re born-again in spirit and made alive to Christ. As John 14:23 tells us,

“Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.””

Regardless of denomination, there’s only one kind of Christian and that’s the born-again Christian. The person who has accepted that they were born a sinner, dead in trespasses and sins and in need of their Saviour. A Christian is someone who has accepted God’s gift of grace through Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and given their heart and life to Him in return.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

An Ode To Spring

I’ve always really enjoyed the changing of the Seasons throughout the year and all of the unique things that each one brings with it. I feel there’s always something lovely to be found either in nature or in the surrounding culture that lifts the spirits as the months pass, helping to keep life feeling fresh.

As the Summer of 2020 was beginning to fade and Autumn started to appear, I felt inspired to write a series of poems that would express my love and appreciation for nature’s constantly changing beauty. I hope these little poems and the pictures they create can bring joy to the heart and highlight God’s goodness as He blesses us each year with such wonderful, God-reflecting glory!

May the first instalment, "An Ode To Spring" and my pictures taken in Saint James's Park and Green Park bless your heart today.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

The Attributes Of God- He Is Omnipotent

I don't think my finite mind can really comprehend the infinite power of God but it's certainly reassuring to know He is omnipotent! What challenges are you facing today? Whatever they may be, God is bigger than any issue or problem. Invite God into your situation today and rest in the knowledge that He is able.

Monday, 1 March 2021

God's Promise Of Hope

It fills my heart with joy to see Spring making it's appearance in the London parks around me just now. The reintroduction of colour to the landscape fills me with hope for warmer, brighter days to come and so I thought this would be a good time to focus on God's promise of Hope!

In a world where so many people feel hopeless, I'm eternally grateful for the undying hope that knowing Jesus brings into my life. When our future lies in the hands of our Creator and Saviour, it's in the safest place it could be. May we be ready to share that Hope with others in the coming month!