Sunday, 24 March 2024

My Saviour Is Risen

I was listening to a sermon one Sunday morning when my Pastor asked the question, “How can we have peace in this world when it’s so full of chaos?” He then went on to offer an answer by saying, “Because Jesus is risen.” My heart instantly called out, “Praise the Lord!” and I started thinking about some of the challenges I’ve faced in my own life. The truth of those words has shone through in even the toughest seasons and before long, I was writing my poem called, “My Saviour Is Risen.”

I pray these words can encourage the child of God to stand fast on the unshakeable ground that is our Rock, Jesus Christ. Whatever troubles we may be facing right now, the truth remains that we are more than conquerors through our Saviour who has overcome this world. The momentary afflictions of this world do not compare to the glory that awaits us in Heaven, thanks to our Saviour who is risen!

Monday, 18 March 2024

Fruit Of The Spirit- Love (Phileo/Philia)

To carry on with my "Fruit Of The Spirit" series, we take a third look at the fruit of "Love." So far we've looked at Agape and Eros so this month, we'll focus on brotherly/friendship love which in the Greek, is the word, Phileo.

I hope this little meditation can give us cause to praise God for the godly friendships He's placed within our lives and may we seek to be a godly friend in the lives of those around us! L x

Sunday, 10 March 2024

When I Feel...Angry

Anger is an interesting emotion and we know from Scripture, specifically Matthew 21, that even Jesus felt angry when He saw how His Father's Temple had been turned into nothing more than a "den of thieves."

There are so many situations in life that can cause us to feel angry but it's important that we recognise whether our anger is a righteous or fleshly anger and process them both in a Biblical way.

I pray March's meditation from my, "When I Feel..." series can help us keep a Biblical check and perspective on any anger we may be feeling today. Love Lucy x

Sunday, 3 March 2024

The Third Commandment- "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain."

So far, in my Ten Commandments series we've looked at the first two. January focused on The First Commandment, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” February took a closer look at The Second Commandment, “You shall not make idols.” To kick us off for March, let's meditate on The Third Commandment, “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.”