Monday, 30 September 2019

All Is Well

August 2019 was the beginning of an extremely difficult time to say the least as my sister was diagnosed with cancer. This was of course an awful time for us as a family and if it hadn’t been for Jesus helping me through this season I really don’t think I could have coped with the sorrow and stress of it all. Thankfully we were told the cancer hadn’t spread and had been caught in time so was considered to be curable, praise the Lord! It was by no means an easy journey for my sister to take however and I’ve been left in awe of the bravery and grace she’s shown throughout the battle.

During this really dark time, I felt the Lord kept bringing three simple words to me to comfort my heart. Many times a brother or sister in Church would say these three words to encourage me or sometimes the Holy Spirit whispered them to my heart when I was praying about the situation. The words the Lord kept bringing to my attention were “All Is Well.” I cannot tell you how reassuring and comforting I found this simple phrase to be and it was like a soothing balm that calmed the burning fear within me.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Trick Or Treat

My poem “Trick Or Treat” wasn’t a poem I came to write easily and I had the idea for it floating around in my head for over a year before I finally found the angle to write it from. My concern was that Halloween is obviously a bit of a touchy subject to approach and I understand that there are hugely varying opinions within the Body Of Christ on whether to even acknowledge this very dark festival or not.

I know of some families who have decided to take nothing to do with it at all while others I know are happy for their children to dress up and go out “Guising” or “Trick or Treating” with their friends. Some let their little ones dress up but only in “non-scary” costumes while others go along to “Light Parties” where they have fancy dress and fun games but the focus is on Jesus and they use it as an opportunity to celebrate the Gospel.