Wednesday, 29 January 2020

January's Prayer To The God Of My Life-Jehovah Nissi

To finish off each month of 2020 I'm going to post one verse of a whole poem of mine called "A Prayer To The God Of My Life." It'll combine my "Poetry Prayers" idea along with the "Names Of God" series for this year. I felt that if I'm starting each month off with a prayer why not finish it with one! January's prayer features the name Jehovah Nissi.

Sunday, 19 January 2020

God Of Salvation

At the end of 2019 I was asked by my lovely friend and sister in Christ, Katy if I would like to be a part of the 2020 Tearfund concert tour to help raise money for this wonderful Christian Charity. Having had the privilege of being a Performer in the 2019 Tearfund concerts, I was over the moon to be able to say yes to Katy’s offer!

The tour consisted of ten dates at different venues across the UK that would see me and three other Christian Musical Theatre Professionals bringing an evening of songs, testimonies and entertainment to an audience, accompanied by our wonderful Musical Director Dan. The main reason for the evenings however was to raise money to help support Tearfund in their important work as they go worldwide and help those living in poverty and third world conditions.

I had been given the wonderful opportunity in 2019 to not only sing but also share one of my poems as part of the concerts so you can imagine my glee when Katy asked me if I would be willing to share a poem for the 2020 concerts too. Not only did she ask if I would be happy to share a poem but she also asked if she could commission me to write one especially for the event! I always love a poetry request and I said I’d be happy to hear her thoughts and then pray for inspiration from the Author!

Saturday, 18 January 2020

The Names Of God-Jehovah Nissi

Each month throughout 2020 I'm going to post a little rhyming couplet that looks at one or two of the names of God and their meanings. My hope is that they can be an easy way to help memorise just some of the many different names God has!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

A Prayer To The God Of My Life

On the first day of 2020 I happened to read Psalm 42:8 which says,

“The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, And in the night His song shall be with me— A prayer to the God of my life.”

I liked the sentiment and the phrasing of this verse and I soon found myself feeling inspired to write a poem that could incorporate some of the different names of God into it. I love dwelling on just some of the many different aspects of God’s character and so I hope my poem called “A Prayer To The God Of My Life” can help deepen our knowledge and admiration for who God is!

Poetry Prayer For January

I've decided for 2020 I'm going to post a little rhyming couplet at the beginning of each month. They're intended to be a short prayer and meditation for the heart to help with the month ahead. After all the chaos and fuss of Christmas, what better way to battle the January blues than to pray for joy? I hope my 2020 series called "Poetry Prayers" can be a blessing in your year!