Saturday, 30 October 2021

Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Christ- He Is The First And The Last

On a weekend when so many are celebrating the darkness, let's celebrate Jesus! He is the Light of the world, the Eternal God, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End! October's prophecy verse focuses on how Jesus fulfilled this prophecy from Isaiah 48:12. What a marvellous God we serve!

Monday, 18 October 2021

The Attributes Of God- Jesus Is Forgiving

Lining up with our look at God's promise of forgiveness at the beginning of the month, October's "Attributes of God" edition focuses on God's forgiving nature. What a blessing to know that when we repent of our sin, our Saviour wipes the slate clean!

As the Scriptures say, "As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." In other words, as far apart as two points can possibly be, two points that can never, ever meet, so far has God removed our sins from us!

When we trust in Jesus and look to His sacrifice on the Cross that paid for the sins of the world, then no matter what we've done, we can find forgiveness in the eyes of God! Hard to grasp as a mere mortal. All the more reason to praise our King for His divine, forgiving nature!
The Attributes Of God- Jesus Is Forgiving.

"Our Saviour is forgiving! In Him we find our rest,
For He’s removed our sins as far as East is from the West!"

Psalm 103:12
"As far as the east is from the west,
so far has He removed our transgressions from us."

Sunday, 3 October 2021

God's Promise Of Forgiveness

Going into October with a focus on God's promise of forgiveness. Of all the promises of God, this one has to be one of the sweetest and most precious of all.

It cost Jesus His life to make this promise possible for the sinner. The wages of sin is death but thanks to our Saviour's death and resurrection, we are now able to come into full forgiveness and pardon when we repent of our sin. Words can never express my gratitude for this wonderful gift!

Do you know the reassuring peace of God's forgiveness in your life? No matter what we've done, if we're truly repentant God will forgive us! Praise the Lord for His promise of forgiveness!