Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Eyes On You

I’m sure many people can relate to me when I say there are seasons in life when you feel like you ’re going through trial after trial after trial. I’ve heard my Pastor say that as a Christian we’re generally either going through a trial, coming out of one or just about to go into one! Not the most encouraging thought but probably very accurate! I often find myself thinking, “Thank goodness I have Jesus to help me!”

There are of course wonderful times of peace and rest but I was learning that it’s when you’re going through fiery trials that it ’s more important than ever to fix your eyes on Jesus. As a young, single woman living in London at the time of writing this poem I was incredibly grateful to find that I could rely on God to be my comfort and my strength in all situations. He really taught me a lot about turning to Him with my troubles and watching Him work through my circumstances.