I was listening to a sermon on Psalm 73 one day when a couple of verses really stood out to me. Psalm 73 is an incredible Psalm of Asaph and begins with his lament about how the wicked seem to prosper in this world.
I found I could relate to Asaph’s frustration as it builds throughout the first few verses of this chapter. He observes how godless, evil people often seem to do well in life. They thrive, having an abundance of power with riches that increase, in spite of the fact that they have set themselves against God.
Asaph even goes on to quote the scoffers and the wicked. He highlights the fact that they bring violence against God’s people, then have the audacity to ask impudent questions of God. Questions such as,
“How does God know?
And is there knowledge in the Most High?”
In verse 13, Asaph’s discouragement is so intense that he even queries if his God-fearing, righteous life has been for nothing. He exclaims,
“Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain.”
When I look at the atrocious things done by evil people in this day and age and see how the wicked still gain power, fame and fortune, I can understand the sentiments expressed by Asaph. It can be so disheartening to see the appalling things done in this world by people who curse God and show nothing but disdain for Him and seemingly get away with it! Not only that, they appear to prosper from a godless life!
August's Attributes couplet takes a look at the fact that God is Sovereign. When we look at the chaos of the world around us it can be easy to forget that Jesus is still in control and reigns upon His Throne.
Praise the Lord that the Bible prophesies warned us that this would be the case and that all these things would come to pass in the last days. What rest there is in Jesus and knowing that He is our Refuge in these troubling times. Glory to God who reigns upon His Throne, He is worthy to be trusted! Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen.
The Attributes Of God- Jesus Is Sovereign.
"Jesus Christ is Sovereign and the Leader of the Just,
A Refuge and a constant Guide in whom we place our trust."
Psalm 103:19
"The Lord has established His throne in Heaven,
And His kingdom rules over all."
My couplet for August's Promise of God focuses on the fact that through Jesus we have eternal salvation!
How wonderful it is to know that as children of God we are not condemned and have an eternity with our Saviour to look forward to!
Do you know the joy of a guilt-free life with the promise of salvation? If not, ask Jesus into your heart today. Perhaps you know someone who doesn't have this peace and assurance yet. Ask the Lord to show you how you can share Christ's wonderful gift of salvation with others this week!