As Christmas 2024 approached, a family member asked me, “Have you ever written a poem from the perspective of, ‘What if Jesus had never been born?’” This idea reminded me of the famous film called, “It’s a Wonderful Life” which was released in 1946.
The story focuses on frustrated businessman, George Bailey who becomes so depressed he considers taking his own life. An angel from Heaven is sent to Bailey and in an effort to help him have a change of heart, the angel shows him what life would have been like had he never existed.
I felt the question posed a really unique and challenging position to write from but with prayer and by God’s grace, I wrote my poem, “A Wonderful Life.”
Life is splendidly precious, a gift from our Maker above.The story focuses on frustrated businessman, George Bailey who becomes so depressed he considers taking his own life. An angel from Heaven is sent to Bailey and in an effort to help him have a change of heart, the angel shows him what life would have been like had he never existed.
I felt the question posed a really unique and challenging position to write from but with prayer and by God’s grace, I wrote my poem, “A Wonderful Life.”
He’s written our days in His wisdom, created our souls in His love.
Granting us time by His mercy to join with our sisters and brothers
Yet none of us really can fathom the imprint we make upon others.
Each person a treasured creation, designed by our Heavenly Lord.
Our days are a sweet-smelling fragrance when given in service to God.
Impacting people around us, our stories-a beautiful song.
The difference we make is astounding and ripples on after we’re gone.
The gift of our birth is special, a day to be cherished and treasured
For if we had never existed, the losses could scarcely be measured.
The void that we’d leave would be grievous, a thought to make the heart mourn.
Yet what would this world have looked like if Jesus had never been born?
If God had not sent the Messiah and Earth had remained with no Saviour,
What emptiness would we have suffered if no Babe had been placed in a manger?
If Heaven had not made provision would the souls of mankind know their worth?
Would destitute voices cry out in despair without this miraculous birth?
No Heavenly hosts heard rejoicing, no star above Bethlehem,
No “Glory to God in the highest!” No “Peace and goodwill toward men!”
No glimmer of hope or of mercy to cut through the dark like a sword,
We wouldn’t be measuring time from this date, it would not be, “The Year Of Our Lord.”
No Baby to grow in all wisdom, no Saviour to conquer the Cross.
No God-come-as-Man to rescue our souls! Oh what a staggering loss!
To think of this life without Jesus, man’s status could not be made worse.
We’d be dead in our trespasses, chained to our sin and bound by rebellion’s curse!
If there was no day at Golgotha then man is truly diminished,
Redemption is gone, salvation is lost if Christ did not say, “It is finished!”
Oh woe is this Earth without Jesus for no other power can save,
The souls of mankind are derelict still if Christ did not conquer the grave.
We’re absent of blesséd forgiveness, remaining in sin’s condemnation.
No bridge for the gap between God and man, no cure for our soul’s separation.
God’s presence would still be off-limits, the curtain remaining as one.
No glory in Christ’s Resurrection if Heaven had not sent God’s Son!
To think of the souls that He’s rescued, it truly baffles the mind.
Oh the things He’s inspired and placed in the hearts of mankind!
We’d never have known Paul’s Epistles where comfort and solace belong,
No words of devotion from Matthew and Mark, no witness from Luke or John.
To think of man’s many creations, great works that we cannot replace:
No “Silent Night,” no “Handel’s Messiah” and no “Amazing Grace.”
No strength from above through our trials, no help in the seasons of strife.
What a heartbreaking, loveless, hopeless world. Oh what a wonderless life.
But praises to God in the highest, worship and honour the Son!
Now we can sing, “O Joy to the world! Behold, our Saviour has come!”
Give thanks to our Heavenly Father who looked upon man from above,
Extoll and exalt Him for Jesus was born and rescued our souls with His love.
Born to buy our redemption and bless our existence with reason.
With joy in abundance, let’s rest in His peace with Christ at the heart of this season.
Thanks to the birth of our Saviour we can cease from all worry and strife.
What a merciful, love-filled, hopeful world. Praise God, what a wonderful life.
Isaiah 9:6
“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Matthew 1:18
“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows:
After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.”
Luke 2:11
“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”
Hebrews 10:7
“Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come— In the volume of the book it is written of Me— To do Your will, O God.’”