Wednesday 18 October 2023

Let's Gather Roses

My husband and I were enjoying breakfast one morning in Florida with a dear friend of ours called Howard. Despite having lived and worked in Florida as an Assistant Pastor for thirty five years, Howard still chatted away to us in his broad, Derbyshire accent. He was asking us if we were enjoying our holiday and encouraged us to make precious memories together.

Howard’s lovely wife and bride of over fifty years had gone to be with the Lord five years prior but he went on to share some advice that had been given to them both when they were a newly married couple. He said, “I’ll never forget the words of advice given to Doreen and I when we were not long married. A precious older lady and sister in Christ said to us, ‘Be sure to gather roses while you may because life is short.’ Doreen and I lived by those words and gathered as many ‘roses’ as we could in our five decades together.”

I thought this was such a beautifully moving metaphor for making the most of the valuable time each of us are given on this earth and found the sentiment to be truly inspirational. I even found myself looking at my husband as we set off in the car that afternoon and with a smile I said, “Let’s gather roses, Jano.”

Later that evening, I was thinking about that ladies’ words, passed on to us through Howard all those decades later and thought it was a glorious idea for a poem. Before long, I found myself writing down a few verses and I pray they can encourage each of us never to take life for granted. May we really appreciate the gift of time and the wonderful experiences God blesses us with in our lives.

Whether we’re newly married, have been married for years or walking through life as a singleton with our First Love, Jesus, may we see each day as a new opportunity from Heaven to make the most of things. Let’s gather roses while we can!

Let’s gather roses while we can, let’s do exciting things!
Let’s gather roses hand in hand and see what time may bring.
Let’s venture forth with confidence, oh let’s explore together!
Let’s journey through life’s gardens in seasons of all weather.

Let’s gather roses Dearest Heart, in days of rain or sun.
May we never drift apart but gather them as one.
Let’s make a special perfume with kindness and affection,
Careful to avoid the thorns, our own, unique collection.

Some petals may smell sweeter and possess a softer hue
But all will be of value if I’ve gathered them with you.
Let’s make some happy memories before the curtain closes,
We’ll keep them for eternity! My Love, let’s gather roses.

Song Of Solomon 2:16-17
“My beloved is mine, and I am his.
He feeds his flock among the lilies.
Until the day breaks
And the shadows flee away,
Turn, my beloved,
And be like a gazelle
Or a young stag
Upon the mountains of Bether.”

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